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Matzker & Motul - more than 10 years of partnership in action


Motorsport DNA

To this day, the pioneer of new Motul products and developments is their use in motorsport. 
At Land Rover specialist Matzker, too, findings from rallying have been applied time and again to the development of everyday vehicles. No wonder that the two companies are now linked by more than 10 years of partnership. 
Motorsport DNA connects. 

Motorsport DNA

Rally sport as a test laboratory

Especially in rallying, the vehicles, but also the accompanying products, are repeatedly pushed to the limit. 
Long driving times, difficult terrain, dust and extreme temperatures demand a lot from the vehicles in general, but also from the engine and transmission. A perfect test laboratory that both Matzker and Motul have always known how to use. 

Rally sport as a test laboratory

Amadeus Matzker

From the very beginning, the company's founder Amadeus Matzker was at the forefront of development at the Cologne-based Land Rover specialist. 
His passion for rallying accompanied him his entire life, so it was only a logical step to pursue this love professionally as well. On 24 January 2016, Amadeus Matzker died in a fatal accident in the Mauritanian desert at a much too young age. 

"As a designer and automotive technician, Amadeus Matzker had a natural talent and an unflagging passion. Amadeus Josef Johannes Matzker's passion for special vehicles was evident from his earliest youth. Although he had been baptised by his parents with the first names of famous composers in the hope of a great musical career, his everlasting interest in Land Rover vehicles crystallised early on. He developed his genius in technology. His music was the roar of the engines." 


Amadeus Matzker

Never forgotten!

We will never forget you: "Whenever we hear the roar of the engines at the rallies of this world, we will think of you!"