In a way, yes. We are already in production for next year. We work just like OEMs (original equipment manufacturers), about a year ahead of time. The products that we’re developing right now will be out next autumn. We pretty much follow automotive schedules. People don’t really know this, but if you scale a car down, it won’t work or look good. It will have a big body and tiny wheels. So what we do in my team is massage the body, enlarge the wheels, put accents on the areas you want to define. For example, a 992 Porsche 911. The most striking thing about that car is the wide rear end. The hips are so present, but once I scale it down to 1:64, everything shrinks down 64%, so certain things need to be adjusted. I put the emphasis on the areas that capture the volume and form of the body. Sometimes you have data, sometimes you don’t, so we might have to use references to build the car from scratch. When we design Hot Wheels Originals models, we approach that the same way a studio would. We design it as if it was a real car, then shrink it down. When a car maker, whether that’s McLaren, Lamborghini, Porsche or whoever, design a new car, they have a big team working on that for three or four years. We have to do the same in only three weeks, and it’s only myself and a modeler. We do these designs really quickly.