For the second consecutive year, the FIM gala, which closes the season, was held in Monaco. As an official partner of the International Federation, Motul was of course highly involved there, with in particular a booth during the general assembly. The booth provided a setting to exchange with the presidents of the 108 motorcycle federations who travelled to Monaco for the occasion.
Motul took advantage of the occasion to celebrate the end of the Hozoï two-wheel trip, a project organised in 2012 which consisted in the graffiti artist Hozoï travelling through several countries to get a feel for their motorcycle culture and relate what he felt in articles, photos, videos and above all street art. The artist was present in Monaco and spent six hours doing, there and then, a 7 metre long graffiti painting on the topic of motorcycling sport! At the end of the ceremony, the painting was displayed in front of the 500 guests, and the 2013 champions all signed it, including the biggest names such as Marc Marques, Paulo Goncalves, Tom Sykes, or Antonio Cairoli...
On the occasion of the launch of the new FIM website at the end of January, this painting will be auctioned on the site itself. All of the profits will be transferred to the Riders for health association which supplies and maintains more than 1,000 motorcycles in Africa. These machines are used to deliver crucial medical care in the remotest parts of Africa.