This Site forms a work of the mind of which Motul is the author in the sense of Articles L.111.1 and the following ones of the French Intellectual Property Code. The design and development of said Site are taken care of by the company Agence n°9.
The photographs, texts, slogans, drawings, images, videos and any works included in the Site are the property of Motul or third parties having authorised Motul to use them. Paper or data-processing reproductions, of said Site and of the works reproduced there, are authorised subject to their being strictly reserved for personal use excluding any use for advertising and/or commercial and/or information purposes, and/or subject to their compliance with the provisions of Articles L122-4 and L122-5 of the same Code .
Except for the above provisions, any reproduction, representation, use or amendment, by whatever process and on whatever medium, of all or part of the Site, or of all or part of the various works of which it is formed, is strictly forbidden without having obtained Motul's prior authorisation.
The names MOTUL, MOTULTECH, and FLUID FORCE, the associated slogans, logos and graphical representations, and the name of the products of Motul ranges and the services linked to them are, unless specifically stated, registered trademarks owned by Motul which cannot be used without Motul's written authorisation. Other brands may also be quoted: they are used by Motul with authorisation from the brand holder.
Reproduction, imitation, use or the appending of these brands without having obtained the prior authorisation of Motul or the respective brand holders, is strictly forbidden, in accordance of the provisions of articles L713-2, L713-3 and L716-1 of the aforesaid Code.
Subject to the provisions of the General Conditions, the user must neither copy, alter or reproduce in whatever manner the information and elements appearing in the Site. Nor must he intervene on the Site or act in a manner infringing the intellectual property rights of Motul and of third parties having authorised Motul to use them. Where it is not expressly authorised by the General Conditions, it is strictly forbidden to use an intellectual property right of Motul or of a third party having authorised Motul to use it.