Motul keeps this reality in mind by performing throughout the most important stages of creation. From the very first moment when a complex component is CASTED in a casting machine, to the moment it is DRILLED and processed in a sophisticated computer controlled machine tool, MotulTech's expertise addresses specific industrial constraints with high proficiency and innovative solutions. In the automotive industry that specific complex component is assembled into a state-of-the-art engine and subsequently installed into its final home in a vehicle. Engines are FILLED with the best of Motul, inspired by the 300V essence teste in the most demanding laboratories that exist - race tracks.
See all Motul Tech productsAutomotive manufacturing
Mechanical industries
Food industry
Plastic injection
Brick & Cement
Metal industry

MotulTech Baraldi
Fundada en 1917, Baraldi ha estado desarrollando y produciendo lubricantes de fundición a presión y agentes de desmoldeo desde los años 70. La empresa opera en un área de aproximadamente 3000 metros cuadrados, asegurando una producción extremadamente eficiente y flexible. En 2006 Baraldi se convirtió en socio de MotulTech, para compartir su know-how, estrategias de mercado y desarrollar actividades nacionales e internacionales. Hoy Baraldi representa la referencia para los lubricantes HPDC dentro del Grupo MOTUL. Un laboratorio de vanguardia de control de calidad, investigación y desarrollo es la fuerza de MOTUL Tech Baraldi.